Art From the Shadows
Exerpt from Book Two- Hanna's Army

“This is going international! Fifteen more stores in major cities!” Sleeta announced as she ushered the Art from the Shadow’s staff underneath the looming, black marquee in front of the store. Cloe’s attire blended in perfectly with the rest of the staff for the promotional picture that would assist in launching Sleeta’s North America Expansion Campaign.
Cloe plastered a smile on her face, and wondered how Sleeta could produce so much dead animal art, then began to feel remorse for the entire animal species. She imagined the process Sleeta was using, was not pleasant.
The photographer was meticulous as he tried to please Baroness Parker on a rather brisk, windy day. Several hours later, the photoshoot ended, and the shivering staff finally retreated to the warm, comfortable store.